Majestic Rescue

By December 16, 2019Blogroll

Were you able to savor a moment or two in the presence of Majesty this weekend? Maybe you declared; “Monday I will begin and commit” But Monday has come and is almost gone. Maybe you missed church too and that moment of stillness you promised yourself you would take.

I believe it is right here we can truly begin to taste the real message of Christmas. We feel failure, fret, and fatigue day after day. It comes from work, kids, decisions we have to make. Trying and tiresome circumstances interrupt us over and over, greatly discouraging us to press on in a life of faith that is real. The demands we all face, the deadlines and the drama everywhere consume our moments. If we are not awake they threaten to derail, even destroy, our greatest intentions.

Here is the good news Christmas brings; the day is not over yet. If you are reading this, Jesus was born for this moment. All He wants for Christmas is YOU.

“Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest…”

– Matthew 11:28

Come to Him right now with whatever is going on in your mind, heart or life. Keep coming as you are, day after day. So this is Christmas, a Majestic Rescue mission redeeming our life back to God one day at a time.

God knew how discouraged we would become in our seeming failure and unfulfilled intentions. He knew then and knows now how painful and lonely life would be today for you. He knew the joy and peace so deeply hungered for everyday. So God in His mercy sent His only Son called Jesus, Emmanuel, born on Christmas day. He lived a perfect life (the perfect life we want to live and fail to achieve – daily). He came to die a death with thieves and murderers to save them. He suffered three days in hell the punishment my life deserves and then, overcame death! Taking my place on the cross, He rose from the dead overcoming my death and sin forever. As if this was not enough his disciples watched him ascend up into the sky to be with His Father. ALL this He did to rescue me so I could come into His Majestic presence now and forever. He even wants to restore my yesterdays, repurpose the pain and mistakes for His good. Joel 2:25 is a promise I still grip; “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…”

I think for me I have a certain rescue I want now, a job, a thing, a relationship, and when I don’t get it I can be tempted to move away from God to find my own “feel better”. But that just leaves me hungrier. I have learned that if I will just keep coming and remain a little every day, authentic and honest with God, He gives me Himself, His voice speaking to my deepest heart in a moment.

I write questions I have for God, what I am feeling, what’s happening that day, with my next place in scripture. He always speaks. In these moments everything is the same, but I am not. His Truth reframes the way I see things. Because I have tasted a moment with the King, He brings order somehow even in chaos.

No one can give us what I am talking about here, not money, no position or accomplishment. Actually I think its failure, brokenness and misplaced wants that often get us at the feet of Majesty; at least it is for me. At His feet I find love, forgiveness and resurrection power to begin again. It is supernatural. I can’t write, say, do or give you anything you are really seeking this Christmas, no one can. You are the only one that changes your today when you decide to come to Jesus, the true-life changer. I know that coming to Him daily, just as I am, I become His Majestic Rescue.

Debbie Csutoros

Debbie Csutoros

Yada Factor Founder Executive Director